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Minno Kitchen ~ Seeded Nut Bread Recipe

This months recipe & an update from Katy AKA Minno Kitchen...

The new beginnings of Spring have brought a step to the return of a form of normalcy for us all & for Minno Kitchen this means a resurgence in event planning; it has been so lovely to speak to so many people whose hope is returning & with that the excitement of seeing loved ones & planning parties. I love this side of my business, talking to clients & designing menus for their celebrations. I have also been seeing more interest in my private chef services, looking after families, groups of friends or businesses who have booked a gorgeous house in Kent & need a chef to cater & spoil them for a day or evening. And of course big weddings are back very soon, here’s to love!

My collaboration with Wasted Kitchen on our Second Sunday Brunch Club is gathering momentum – our next Brunch is on May 9th & we have added some new things to the menu alongside the ol’ favourites of the Big Brekkies, Kefir Smoothies & Pastries. Now we can journey a little further & meet friends we have added some delicious portable dishes like the Doorstep Foccacia Sarnies – think Mango Coronation Chicken, Soft-Boiled Freerange Egg with Watercress & Rapeseed Mayo or a BLT with Avo. We would love to see you up at the farm & so are offering a collection service on the evening of Saturday 8th, if you pop up to get your package you will be able to try some of Jane Beedle’s luscious macarons on the house! For more info & to order check out



Now onto this month’s recipe – Seeded Nut Bread. So tasty & can easily be made gluten free by using free from oats. Your loaf will keep in the kitchen for around a week or alternatively you can slice & freeze, grabbing a slice & toasting it whenever needed. This is fab slathered in jam & peanut butter but also lends itself to being dunked in soup or used as a base for various different toppings; Avo & Kimchi, Pesto with Sundried Tomatoes, Asparagus with Poached Egg, Smashed Edamame Beans with Feta…..or just lots of butter! You can get hold of psyllium husks at your local nutrition shop or online. Enjoy & do share images of your bakes by tagging @minnokitchen, lots of love, Katy x

Seeded Nut Bread

Makes 1 loaf/10-15 slices

What you will need

50g Milled Flax Seeds

50g Sunflower Seeds

100g Pumpkin Seeds

40g Whole Almonds

145g Jumbo Oats

4 Tbsp Psyllium Husks


1 Tbsp Maple or Honey

3 Tbsp Melted Coconut Oil

2 Tbsp Chia Seeds

350ml Cold Water




Mixing bowl & wooden spoon/spatula

Loaf tin – greased & lined with baking parchment

Baking tray


What you need to do

Begin by preheating your oven to 180/Gas Mark 4 & line your loaf tin so that it is all ready.

Then, simply add all of the ingredients apart from the water into your mixing bowl & stir so they are well mixed. Next pour in the water & give the mixture a really good stir, making sure there are no pockets of dry ingredients.

Spoon this into your lined tin & leave to sit for around an hour – this gives the nuts & seeds a chance to absorb some liquid & go soft, making them easier to digest.

Pop your tin into the centre of the oven & bake for 20-30 minutes until the top has gone a nice golden brown. Take out of the oven & carefully loosen the bread from the tin. Turn the loaf upside down, place on the baking tray & put back into the oven for another 15 minutes to allow the sides & bottom of the loaf to take on the same lovely golden colour as the top.

Leave to cool.


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